Nearly $30 million awarded in medical malpractice case On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Thursday, June 21, 2018. As most Louisiana residents are aware, doctors keep very detailed records of a patient’s health history, which includes not only past illnesses and injuries but also allergies. When treated quickly and correctly, allergic reactions are not often fatal. However, if doctors do not act quickly, or fail to administer the proper treatment for these reactions, then the results can be deadly. In those instances, families may choose to file a medical malpractice suit. A jury recently awarded $29.5 million to a family after their loved one died due to a doctor’s failure to......
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Nearly $30 million awarded in medical malpractice case
June 21st, 2018Do You Know Your Medication’s Side Effect Risks?
June 20th, 2018By Zach Christiansen of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation on Wednesday, June 20, 2018. JACKSON, Mississippi. Virtually all medication comes with some side effect risk. Some of these risks are small and many patients won’t experience any side effects at all. But for the few patients who do experience side effects, these effects can be dangerous and even deadly. According to Vox, depression and suicide risk is a known side-effect for over 200 drugs. The suicide deaths of Anthony Bordain and Kate Spade have raised suicide awareness. The New York Times reports that suicide is a “public health crisis.” Suicide can leave families struggling to understand why. While some victims show warning signs, others do not. It......
read moreHave Lasik Practitioners Properly Warned Patients of the Risks?
June 20th, 2018By Zach Christiansen of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation on Wednesday, June 20, 2018. NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana. Lasik is often touted as a surgery that can give patients 20/20 vision. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, the idea of not having to pop in contacts every morning or the thought of throwing away your glasses might sound like a welcome change. Yet, some Lasik patients experience serious side effects. Many of these patients claim that their doctors didn’t properly warn them of the risks before they underwent the elective surgery. According to the FDA, Lasik surgery involves the precision removal of corneal tissue to improve the eye’s ability to focus. People suffer from myopia or other......
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