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13 veterans file class-action medical malpractice complaint

January 22nd, 2019
On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Tuesday, January 22, 2019.

Most people in Louisiana and across the country would agree that the ability to walk without pain or difficulty is crucial to one’s well-being. People who experience problems with their feet that significantly hinders this ability often seek a surgical solution. While everyone undergoing any type of surgery hopes for a successful outcome, this was not the case for over 100 veterans who were victims of medical malpractice after receiving podiatric care from a doctor at a VA medical facility in another state. Recently, a class action complaint was filed by 13 of those patients.

The incidents took place between 2009 and 2016. A thorough investigation by the Inspector General at the Department of Veteran Affairs of all cases involving the podiatrist at the VA facility revealed that 115 veterans were negatively impacted. Consequently, the VA sent letters to most of these patients, informing them that they were victims of medical malpractice and advising them to seek legal assistance. However, patients who did so learned of a two year statute of limitations that prevented them from taking legal action.

The veterans named in the complaint claim VA staff covered up the widespread malpractices of the podiatrist, instead waiting years to inform the affected patients. As a result, the attorney who is representing two of the veterans seeking damages for medical malpractice has stated that he plans to request the judge issue an order allowing them to bypass the statute of limitations. Although the VA has offered the two veterans the opportunity to undergo corrective surgery, the men have not yet decided if they will do so, citing trust issues as at least one reason for their uncertainty.

Because of the negligent actions of this podiatrist, these veterans are now left to endure varying degrees of physical pain and probably mental and emotional strain as well. Likely, by filing the complaint, they hope to not only raise awareness of these malpractices, but also to receive monetary compensation for their suffering as well as cover expenses they have encountered as a result of these events. Residents of Louisiana who believe they have experienced a medical malpractice situation can begin with a consultation with a knowledgeable attorney who can review the case details and assist them with moving forward if a civil lawsuit is a viable option.

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