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Report says medical devices may result in nerve injuries

November 28th, 2018
On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Brain Injuries on Wednesday, November 28, 2018.

Medical technology has made significant improvements and changes in the lives of individuals in Louisiana and all across the world. According to the Food and Drug Administration, there are approximately 190,000 medical devices currently on the market that are approved for physician and patient use. The industry for medical devices has grown rapidly resulting in a $400 billion dollar industry. Despite the multitude of devices available, some people are questioning the safety of devices approved and the FDA approval process. One man in another state reports his personal experience with a medical device and the nerve injuries he has suffered as a result.

The man suffered severe pain from an undisclosed injury to his arm. While he was under the care of a pain management physician, it was suggested that he consider a spinal-cord stimulator to help control his pain. The stimulator was implanted and was supposed to help mask the nerve pain he was experiencing. Instead, the man’s stimulator shocked him many times, resulting in a fall down stairs and injuries. The 45-year-old man now is almost paralyzed and remains in his bed the majority of his days.

A report indicates that spinal-cord stimulators have a high report of injuries to the FDA. Injuries from spinal-cord stimulators are the third highest among medical devices just behind metal hip replacements and insulin pumps. Among injuries that are reported are shocks, burns, spinal cord damage, muscle weakness and paraplegia. It is unclear if there are any deaths directly related to spinal-cord stimulators.

In addition to the high rate of injury reports, there are questions about the FDA’s approval process of medical devices and compensation that physicians may or may not receive to promote the use of devices to patients. Unfortunately, if a patient suffers nerve injuries or other adverse reactions from a medical device, the patient is the one who will suffer a change in the quality of life, additional medical treatment and expenses. Louisiana medical malpractice attorneys are available to explain options for legal recourse for patients who have suffered injuries as a result of a defective medical device.

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