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Early brain injuries result in awarded $11.35 million in lawsuit

February 27th, 2018

Early brain injuries result in awarded $11.35 million in lawsuit

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Brain Injuries on Tuesday, February 27, 2018.

Becoming a parent for the first time can be a wonderful and terrifying experience for many people. Parents across Louisiana trust their doctors to help the mother to deliver safely or to perform a caesarian section when a natural delivery is too difficult or impossible to go through with safely. Unfortunately, sometimes, the children can be harmed in these procedures. One family was recently awarded more than $11 million for the brain injuries their now 16-year-old son suffered at birth.

The boy was delivered in April of 2001. Doctors used a vacuum and forceps to help with the delivery. These items were used because the child was large and facing the wrong way. However, it was revealed later that some believe that these conditions, in addition to the woman being a first-time mother, should have indicated the need for a caesarian section.

After the delivery, the child was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit with bruises and contusions. The parents were informed that it was possible for the boy to suffer long-term damage. For several years, the child seemed to develop normally, but around age ten, he began showing signs of being on the autism spectrum. However, an MRI revealed that the boy had previously suffered brain damage. This damage was attributed to the injuries he received at birth.

Although the doctor claimed that her actions were in line with medical standards, a jury disagreed. The family was awarded more than $11 million, citing poor communication with the mother and lack of diligence in medical charting. This compensation was awarded to cover damages, future economic loss and future noneconomic loss.

Louisiana residents who believe that they or a loved one has suffered brain injuries due to medical malpractice could benefit from speaking with an attorney. Victims of such injuries may be entitled to compensation for loss of income, medical costs or other damages. If the damage is severe, then the family members might be entitled to compensation for medical care costs.

Source:, “Summit jury awards $11.35 million in lawsuit involving Massillon boy with brain injury”, Stephanie Warsmith, Feb. 16, 2018

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