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4 FAQs about Abilify’s Link to Compulsive Behaviors – New Orleans Pharmacy Error Lawyer Insights

July 25th, 2016
On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Monday, July 25, 2016.

Reports continue to surface that expose Abilify’s link to compulsive gambling, eating, shopping and sex. According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, at least 184 patients taking drugs that contain aripiprazole, the active ingredient in Abilify, have reported impulse control problems.


Research suggests that these side effects stop when patients discontinue using or lower their dosage of aripiprazole. Unfortunately, relief has come too late for those who have maxed out their credit cards, refinanced their mortgages and committed crimes to fund their compulsive behaviors.

If you or a loved one is facing legal or financial troubles due to an impulse control problem that started while taking Abilify, contact the The Bowling Law Firm. David A. Bowling is a medical malpractice attorney in New Orleans who can evaluate your case to determine if you may be entitled to compensation.

Mr. Bowling has more than 30 years of trial experience. Call (504) 586-5200 to schedule a consultation.

Read on to learn the answers to four FAQs about Abilify’s link to compulsive behaviors:

1. Can aripiprazole cause impulse control problems?

Aripiprazole affects dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that stimulates the brain’s reward centers. High levels of dopamine may cause compulsive behavior. Many of the patients who report impulse control problems that started while taking Abilify had never displayed compulsive behaviors in the past.

2. Do you have grounds for a lawsuit?

If you or a loved one suffered impulse control problems while taking Abilify, contact a pharmacy error lawyer. Your medical malpractice attorney can evaluate your case to determine if you have grounds for a lawsuit. You may be entitled to compensation to pay for the losses you sustained while taking Abilify, which may include debts related to gambling, shopping and other compulsive behaviors.

3. Why do dangerous medications enter the consumer market?

Before medications can enter the consumer market, they must pass stringent tests to prove their effectiveness and safety. However, these evaluations do not always uncover every side effect.

Most pharmaceutical claims involve defects that happened during the distribution, production or creation of medications. Patients must be warned about potential side effects, which are usually listed in a paper leaflet that comes with the medication. Plaintiffs are alleging that Abilify’s manufacturers did not provide adequate warnings about the impulse control problems that stem from using the drug.

4. What should I do if my family member died due to the effects of Abilify?

If your family member died due to the effects of Abilify, contact a pharmacy error lawyer as soon as possible. You may have grounds for a wrongful death claim.

David A. Bowling of the The Bowling Law Firm is ready to represent your interests. Mr. Bowling is a New Orleans pharmacy error lawyer who will help you fight for the highest possible compensation.

The Bowling Law Firm received the highest possible rating under Martindale-Hubbell’s peer review rating system. Call (504) 586-5200 to schedule a consultation.

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