Can Patients Prevent Medical Malpractice? New Orleans Injury Attorney Offers 5 Tips
January 14th, 2016The inner workings of hospitals are complex, and a small oversight or miscommunication can lead to devastating errors. According to Forbes, victims of medical negligence recovered more than $3 billion in 2012 alone. If you suffered an injury or illness due to the negligence of a health-care worker, then one of your first calls should be to a medical malpractice attorney.

Just because your treatment was unsuccessful does not necessarily mean that you were the victim of medical malpractice. This is a complex area of injury law, but in most cases, the medical worker must have demonstrated a behavior that a reasonable person with the same specialization would not have, and that behavior must have led to an injury to a patient.
If you were the victim of a prescription mistake, birthing error or another form of medical malpractice in Louisiana, then contact the The Bowling Law Firm. David A. Bowling is a New Orleans medical malpractice lawyer who can guide you through the claims process. Call (504) 586-5200 to schedule a consultation with a Louisiana medical malpractice attorney.
Although most patients have little to no knowledge of health-care protocols, there are certain steps they can take to avoid becoming victims of malpractice. Here are five of them:
1. Do not let medical personnel touch you before they wash their hands.
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, handwashing is crucial for safe medical care. This simple act can prevent a multitude of germs from spreading. Do not be afraid to ask a medical professional to wash his or her hands before touching you, and make sure he or she is wearing a clean, fresh pair of disposable gloves.
2. Make sure all of your doctors are communicating.
It is common for patients to have several people caring for them during a hospital stay. You may also visit different specialists in different health-care facilities. Make sure communication channels are open between your surgeon and your primary care physician.
3. Put your primary care physician in charge of your hospital visit.
Having your primary care physician oversee your hospital stay is important if you have a long medical history. Your doctor will understand your condition and will be familiar with your medicines and allergies. Often, just having the primary care physician coordinate a patient’s stay is the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful treatment.
4. Choose a hospital that specializes in your condition.
If you are able to make a choice about which hospital to visit, choose one that specializes in your health problem and has a successful record of treating it. If you need a heart transplant, for example, then choose a facility that is renowned for cardiac surgery. Discuss your options with your surgeon and doctor, and conduct your own research into the facility.
5. Prepare for your recovery well in advance of your hospital stay.
Many malpractice claims occur because medical providers fail to explain the recovery process to patients. Make sure that you plan for your recovery before surgery, and do not leave the hospital until you ask about medicines, follow-up appointments, activity restrictions, diet and dressing changes.
If you were the victim of a medical worker’s negligence, then contact the The Bowling Law Firm at (504) 586-5200. David A. Bowling will evaluate your case to determine if you have valid grounds for a claim.
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